Step 1: First you should do is sign up and register you domain for private and public key. Step 2 : Then download reCAPTCHA PHP library and put recaptchalib.php file on recaptchalib folder on verdors folder like vendors. Step 3 : Put this file in bootstrap.php pp/config/bootstrap.php //--------------for google captcha start here------------// Configure::write('recatpch_settings', array( 'public_key'=>'6Lf-nu8SAAAAAIGBhxpcJGxqI03LSP1vcNtjYGrN ', 'private_key'=>'6Lf-nu8SAAAAAC7tXfYaZi0GDKvD5aa7JO7CNXkB ' )); //-----------end here-----------------------------------// Step 4: Add this to your ctp Now you have to add script where you have want to add captcha in ctp <?php echo $this->Html->script('');?> <scri...
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