MySql Trigger A trigger is a stored program which executed automatically to respond to a specific event. such as insert, update or delete occurred in a table. Syntax : CREATE TRIGGER `event_name` BEFORE/AFTER INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE ON `database`.`table` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN -- trigger body -- this code is applied to every -- inserted/updated/deleted row END; Notes: event_name : All triggers must have unique names within a schema trigger_event : Indicates the kind of operation that activates the trigger. tbl_name : The trigger becomes associated with the table named tbl_name Example 1: Suppose you have user table and user_audit table and you want to track new users only. Then you have to create a trigger DELIMITER $$ CREATE TRIGGER `blog_after_insert` AFTER INSERT ON `user` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SET @changetype = 'NEW'; INSERT INTO user_audit (user_id, change...
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