We can create own shortcode by using its predified hooks add_shortcode( 'hello-world', 'techsudhir_hello_world_shortcode' ...
Here are simple way to get custom image from URL $imgUrl = 'http://localhost/wptest/wp-content/themes/sydney/images/header.jpg'; ...
Add Next/Previous links to The Event Calendar Wordpress Plugin Add code to your child theme’s functions.php file /** * Allows visit...
How to use registered_post_type Hook and modify post type registration Create custom post type hook for products inside function.php file...
How to Create a jquery-ui Autocomplete in wordpress. Autocomplete provides suggestions while you type into the text field. In Wordpress w...
How AJAX Works In WordPress What's AJAX? AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML . It is the use of the XMLHttpRequest obje...
Create Cron Job function in Wordpress plugin Step 1: Register function on plugin activate register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'activa...