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Integrating Kafka with Node.js

Integrating Kafka with Node.js Apache Kafka is a popular open-source distributed event streaming platform that uses publish & subscribe mechanism to stream the records(data). Kafka Terminologies Distributed system: Distributed system is a computing environment where various software components located on different machines (over multiple locations). All components coordinate together to get stuff done as one unit.   Kafka Broker: Brokers are cluster of multiple servers. Message of each topic are split among the various brokers. Brokers handle all requests from clients to write and read events. A Kafka cluster is simply a collection of one or more Kafka brokers. Topics: A topic is a stream of "related" messages. Its unique throughout application. Kafka producers write messages to topics. Producer: Producer publishes data on the topics. A producer sends a message to a broker and the broker receives and stores messages. Consumers: Consumers read data from topics. A consu...