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Showing posts with the label CakePhp Redirection

Cakephp redirection

CakePHP Redirection Redirecting: $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'orders', 'action' => 'thanks')); Redirecting to website: $this->redirect(''); Render the element for ajax: $this->render('/Elements/ajaxreturn'); Redirect to 404 not found: throw new NotFoundException('404 Error - Page not found'); If you need to redirect to the referer page you can use: $this -> redirect ( $this -> referer ()); If you need to redirect to the edit page with id: $this -> redirect ( array ( ’action’ => ’edit’ , $id )); Redirect to different action: $this -> render ( ’custom_file’ ); Call element in controller action $this->viewPath = 'Elements'; $this->render('sub_cat_list');