Implementation of CKEDITOR with javascript
Html Portition
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<!-- Make sure the path to CKEditor is correct. -->
<script src="../ckeditor.js"></script>
<textarea name="editor1" id="editor1" rows="10" cols="80">
This is my textarea to be replaced with CKEditor.
Script Portition
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', { // Here editor1 is id of textarea
filebrowserUploadUrl: "../ckupload.php" // Controller Action
CKEDITOR.dtd.a.div = 1;
// filebrowserUploadUrl handing
$url = WWW_ROOT.'images'. DS .'uploads'. DS .time()."_".$_FILES['upload']['name'];
$default_url = Router::url('/', true).'app/webroot/images/uploads/'.time()."_".$_FILES['upload']['name'];
//extensive suitability check before doing anything with the file…
if(($_FILES['upload'] == "none") OR (empty($_FILES['upload']['name'])))
$message = "No file uploaded.";
elseif($_FILES['upload']["size"] == 0)
$message = "The file is of zero length.";
elseif(($_FILES['upload']["type"] != "image/pjpeg") AND ($_FILES['upload']["type"] != "image/jpeg") AND ($_FILES['upload']["type"] != "image/png"))
$message = "The image must be in either JPG or PNG format. Please upload a JPG or PNG instead.";
$message = "You may be attempting to hack our server. We're on to you; expect a knock on the door sometime soon.";
$message = "";
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $url)) {
chmod($url, 0755);
} else{
$message = "Error moving uploaded file. Check the script is granted Read/Write/Modify permissions.";
$funcNum = $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum'] ;
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>$funcNum, '$default_url', '$message');</script>";
Html Portition
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<!-- Make sure the path to CKEditor is correct. -->
<script src="../ckeditor.js"></script>
<textarea name="editor1" id="editor1" rows="10" cols="80">
This is my textarea to be replaced with CKEditor.
Script Portition
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', { // Here editor1 is id of textarea
filebrowserUploadUrl: "../ckupload.php" // Controller Action
CKEDITOR.dtd.a.div = 1;
// filebrowserUploadUrl handing
$url = WWW_ROOT.'images'. DS .'uploads'. DS .time()."_".$_FILES['upload']['name'];
$default_url = Router::url('/', true).'app/webroot/images/uploads/'.time()."_".$_FILES['upload']['name'];
//extensive suitability check before doing anything with the file…
if(($_FILES['upload'] == "none") OR (empty($_FILES['upload']['name'])))
$message = "No file uploaded.";
elseif($_FILES['upload']["size"] == 0)
$message = "The file is of zero length.";
elseif(($_FILES['upload']["type"] != "image/pjpeg") AND ($_FILES['upload']["type"] != "image/jpeg") AND ($_FILES['upload']["type"] != "image/png"))
$message = "The image must be in either JPG or PNG format. Please upload a JPG or PNG instead.";
$message = "You may be attempting to hack our server. We're on to you; expect a knock on the door sometime soon.";
$message = "";
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $url)) {
chmod($url, 0755);
} else{
$message = "Error moving uploaded file. Check the script is granted Read/Write/Modify permissions.";
$funcNum = $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum'] ;
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>$funcNum, '$default_url', '$message');</script>";
Thank you for posting helpful information about Implementation of CKEDITOR with javascript for PHP Development
ReplyDeleteThanks @Prajapati , if you need any PHP development help, let me know.